Sunday, June 29, 2014

Pride and Wine

San Francisco, you've been added to the list of favorite cities!

First, we must give a giant thanks to Bethany, Anna, and Hans for letting us take over their home for a couple of days and for showing us around their great city. We enjoyed hanging out with you!!

We arrived at night. The fog was SO thick we could not see. We just hoped we were on the right road. Any road really. Summer in the Bay Area Bethany said. Welcome to San Fran. She hadn't seen the sun in days. The joys of Northern California. We are happy to report we brought the sun to San Fran. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the days warmed up. You're welcome, everyone. 

Our weekend was packed with adventure. This city is full of fun! For starters, getting anywhere is like riding a roller coaster. The hills are crazy! You people running and biking them...our hats go off to you! Because the hills are incredible, there are views to be had all over the city. We climbed the mosaic stairs...beautiful and a workout. Grand city view number one. 

This was the first set. We kept going. 

After that we ventured to the top of Coit Tower. By elevator this time :) Grand view number two. 

Lombard Street prides itself on being the crookedest street. Before last week you could drive down it. That's not allowed anymore but you can walk. We twisted and turned all the way down! 

When in San Francisco you eat Ghiradelli chocolate and sourdough bread. So lunch and dessert were no brainers. We headed to Boudin for lunch and had a sea salt caramel sundae for dessert. Both yummy!!

We played on cable cars, visited Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39, pretended we were in the opening scene of Full House, visited the iconic Golden Gate, watched the sunset on the beach, visited some redwoods, ate some other yummy food and hung out at a dive bar. A great weekend had by all! 

We arrived in San Francisco just in time for the 44th annual pride festival. The sport of people watching reached an all time high! To those who woke up and decided to leave the house wearing less than your underwear, we admire your self confidence. We saw it all and then some. But really we saw a city come together to show support to people who are not always supported. One doesn't have to love the lifestyle of someone to love the person (because I can think of a number of lifestyles I don't love). At the end of the day we are all human and searching for the same love and be loved. So thank you San Francisco for loving all people!

Hop in the car for a quick drive and you find yourself in wine country. Surrounded by vines heavy with grapes, the scenery is beautiful. We ventured to Raymond for a tasting. We chose this winery because we had a two for one coupon. :) Napa is known for reds so us white drinkers don't quickly find a favorite. But we still have a great time!! Raymond had a couple good whites and some reds that were politely poured out. Our next stop was Mumm. Home to the bubbly. This was recommended by a few people and didn't disappoint. We took the tour with our tastings and learned so much about the art of wine making. Lunch was a sourdough round brought from SF and some fancy cheese. Perfect with the wine!  We're thinking a girls trip back to the valley is in order...with some spa time included. 

We end this with a super big thank you to Sergio. We don't know you but you left a key to your apartment under the mat for us. We hope you're home when we return for another visit so we can actually meet! And if you're ever in Lexington you have a place to stay. 

(Don't worry Shirley and Sue...Sergio is a friend of a friend. We are positive he's a great guy.)

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