Sunday, June 15, 2014

Two Terrifying Experiences

A few months ago at church a video was played during the service. It was a video of Tim. A guy with Down Syndrome and a dream. When we realized Tim's Place was in Albuquerque and Albuquerque was on our driving route, we knew we had to visit. We wanted a hug from Tim. Today we had breakfast at Tim's Place. We got our hug. It was the best hug! Tim has a spirit and smile that are contagious. The world would be a better place if there were more people like him. We did nothing more in Albuquerque. I don't think they had anything better to offer. 

Here's Tim's story. 

Santa Fe, 
   You are vibrant and colorful. A happening place to be on a Sunday afternoon. You have beautiful art and beautiful people. A rugged mountainous landscape is your backdrop. Your markets are full of life and energy. Your adobe homes and buildings make your city appear as it is a museum in itself. We enjoyed our time with you. 

Santa Fe was beautiful. Adobe buildings that were straight off a postcard! We meandered through the markets and the art fair in the plaza. We purchased turquoise earrings from a beautiful Native American woman. We walked to the other side of the city to the river front. We ate New Mexican food that was delicious. We saw the oldest home and church in the United States. We loved your beauty. (Just so you know there is no river front in Santa Fe. There is no river. We were following a map. A map that clearly didn't have a river on it. It didn't say river, it said railway. Easy mistake.)

We have had two terrifying experiences today. 

   Terrifying experience #1: 

We were at the Arizona welcome center. We had to stop to take the necessary picture with the 'Welcome to Arizona' sign. We had Ellen with us. She needed a picture too. (If you don't know what Ellen is, there will be a blog about that later). We met this lovely couple who were also traveling with a random travel friend. We get in the car to leave. Nice lady is coming towards the car carrying a gnome bobble head. I see her coming but apparently Mindi doesn't. She ever so gently taps on Mindi's window. Mindi reacts as if we are under attack. Like bullets are raining down. She screams and does this mix between a jump and a crawl to get away. She is practically in my lap. Meanwhile, there is a lady with a gnome bobble head named Phil still standing at the window. Terrifying. 

  We have seen these two signs. 

     This brings us to terrifying experience #2: 

There is a snake. One I assume the above signs are referring to. It is this greenish yellow beige color. It is fat. It is around four feet long (possibly like 24 feet long). It is slithering. Fairly quickly slithering. I see it. Mindi doesn't. My heart kicks into overdrive and I let out this noise that I can assume ones makes when they are nearing a panic attack. Mindi said it was loud. For a minute I can't breathe. Panic. Terrifying. (I now must tell you that said snake was slithering across the interstate. I was driving the car. I went flying over it running around 75 mph. If I have a closer encounter with a snake I may simply die.)

Tent versus Wind (Take 2)

We are camping again tonight. We got here early. Ready for a relaxing evening. One that was much needed after the terrifying day we had! We got to pick any site so that wasn't a problem. It was windy but we live and learn and were ready for it. Tent went up. Tent practically went down. Tent went back up. Tent practically went back down. The wind was too much. Being the quick thinkers we are, we decide to park the car next to it to act as a barrier for the wind. This helps to a degree...the tent is standing. But sleeping in it was proving to not be an option. It was loud. And what if we got carried away??  With that being said, this is being typed from a KOA cabin. We'll shoot for the tent again tomorrow.  Maybe it will be a complete success.  After all, the third time's the charm, right? 

1 comment:

  1. KOA Cabins are the best way to go!!!!!!!
