Thursday, July 3, 2014

Love at First Sight

A quick stop in Sacramento led us to Sarah! Breakfast on an old dinner cruise boat seemed fitting since the last time we were together was on a cruise ship in Alaska. It was fun to catch up and see a bit of California's capital city. 

We then headed to Reno. Reno wasn't really ever on the list of places to visit. However, Becca got wind of a Patagonia outlet there and sent us on a mission. She ended up with a dress for a practical steal and Mindi bought a super cute jacket. Reno itself was nothing to write about. 

Next we found ourselves in Lake Tahoe. 

My Dearest Tahoe,
   We were smitten at first sight. Why you ask? It was a number of things really. Let's start with your beauty. You are radiant from every angle. Every twist and turn brings about a mountain with snow covered peaks or a lake sparkling from the sun. Your lake (the main one, because you have several) stretches as far as the eye can see. If one didn't know better they would think they were at the ocean. The mountains surrounding you make for a beautiful backdrop. We quickly found ourselves on your shore, curled up in the shade of a majestic pine taking a nap. Emerald Bay. That in itself is a cause for love. Beautiful seems like such a simple word. We explored this part of you by kayak and were wrapped in your mountains and clear sparkling water. Hiking within your mighty forest brings one to a hidden oasis. Like finding the last piece of untouched earth. So yes, Tahoe, you have captured our heart and soul. We have started a love affair with you that we hope to continue for years. 

Mindy and Mindi

We really, really loved Tahoe. It has found itself at the top of favorite places so far list by a landslide. I've been super excited about the idea of kayaking here. Mindi has been super not excited. She had a bad kayaking experience once and therefore had a mental block against it. I'm happy to report that the kayak in the beautiful Emerald Bay changed her mindset. (She did somehow manage to cut her leg, though). We kayaked out to Fannette Island and then hiked to the top for a stellar view. 

There are so many hikes around. We chose one that ended at a general store with 'famous' lemonade. The lemonade was delicious. However, the lake we found at the end was worth every huff and puff of the uphill hike. A small bit of paradise. Untouched and natural. 

Having grown up on Laurel Lake, I expect my lake to be clean. Laurel is beautiful and unlittered. Tahoe is like the Caribbean. It's so clear that in some places you can see 67 feet down. And it's not lake blue. It's better. 

Tahoe is also home to these larger than life pine cones!!

We've camped nearly every night. No wildlife encounters. But in Tahoe, there was sniffing outside and rustling of the tent. I have zero recollection of this. I am a very sound sleeper. Mindi is a very light sleeper and was apparently terrified. She didn't wake me in fear of inviting the critter in. I apparently asked her of we should sleep in the car. (Maybe somewhere in my subconscience I knew he was out there). We did some investigating in the morning and the visitor had hooves, not paws. #notabear

After Tahoe we headed back across the state. Back to the coast. Pinterest had us needing to see Glass Beach. It looked fabulous. This is what we found out about the place online. 

     From 1906 to 1967, everything from   cars to batteries to bottles, cans and appliances were unceremoniously pushed over the cliffs into the ocean — a common practice of seaside cities for centuries. Mother Nature responded to this abuse with a nice surprise in the form of smooth, colored sea glass treasure in a rainbow of colors.

What we found in real life wasn't exactly what Pinterest had made it out to be. But it was still interesting and we like the story of how it came to be. I love anything trash to treasure!

To get to our next stop we ended up back on Highway 1. This is a great drive if you're by the coast. Once you head into the forest it becomes a nauseating nightmare. 30 miles worth. But we came out on the other end and were greeted by this. 

Drive through a tree? Don't mind if we do. 

Pauley sucked it in and through we went! Best $5 spent so far!!

Here's the thing we've learned about these random roadside attractions. If you build it, they will come. 

We are now in true Northern California. Big tree country. Home to the mighty redwoods. We drove Avenue of Giants today. We are truly minute in comparison.


We also finished the read aloud. It was predictably sad and tears were shed. Proof one is never too old to be read to. 

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