Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Grandest of All

There are a lot of canyons around here. The Grand Canyon is named such for a reason-it's grand. There aren't quite the right adjectives to describe it. Spectacular, magnificent, splendid. All great words but it's more than that. The pictures pale in comparison. God, you created a masterpiece. Well done. 

We spent the day exploring this Grand Canyon. We hiked down and around. We made a furry friend. He considered hitching a ride on Mindi's shoulder. She got up and he thought about my lap. Fun day for all!

The drive from Northern Arizona to Utah is incredible. Truly. Highway 89A you did not disappoint. We spiraled up one of the mountains only to spiral down in a different landscape. Arizona, you were splendid. We only request you settle the wind before we return. 

We are now in Utah just outside Zion National Park. Good's not windy and we are in the tent!! Even better news...we aren't under a burn ban and are enjoying a fire! We feasted on hot dogs and s'mores for dinner :) There is only one minor concern. As we are unloading the car I hear the sweet gentle voice of Mindi, "Mindy, you may have a moment of panic. There are snake holes everywhere." I'm proud to report it was only mild panic. I've told myself bunnies live in them. The golf club is handy in case we need to fight one off. 

*side note: We bought square marshmallows. Perfect fit for your graham cracker. However, they don't really get gooey all the way through. Stick with the original. 

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