Saturday, June 21, 2014

What Happens in Vegas

This was our first visit to Vegas. Here are our first impressions. 

It's like college spring break except you brought your parents, great Uncle Phil, and kid sister along. 

It's interesting. 

Now let us take you through our time here and explain why we passed this initial judgement. 

We got to town around 4:00. Easily found our hotel and checked in. It took FOREVER to get our luggage brought up. This was not a fault of the hotel. This was Mindi's desert brain and lack of sleep  being unable to read the directions on how to get your luggage. We knew we wanted to head to the pool for a bit. Enjoy a frozen drink and relax. This is where the judgement began. The pool was chaotic. Loads of young buckaroos having a second spring break. Techno music is blaring. Drinks are going down like water. Mix in a few kids and grandparents and you get the picture. 

We decide to walk the strip a bit. Check out some hotels. It's crazy. A mess of wild people. We did see the fountain show. That was cool. We didn't stay out long. We are beginning to think Vegas is a one and done city for us. 

We had already decided to spend Friday at the pool. Cue the techno music and young buckaroos with their drinks and lack of swimwear. Not relaxing but we will take it. We strike up conversation with a lovely retired couple from the UK. They have the same thoughts as we do. Too loud. Too crazy. We talk about what a proper city should be. We agree Vegas isn't a proper city. I'm not sure what this agreement says about us. Maybe we just have old souls. Maybe being in our thirties has changed us. They leave. Can't take it anymore. 

We then start listening to the conversations around us. EDC. What is EDC? These young buckaroos seem to be here for the same reason...EDC. A quick Google search and everything makes sense. EDC is a dance music festival. A rave of sorts. A modern day Woodstock. It begins at sundown on Friday night. They all came to get started early. Maybe we passed judgement on this city too soon. 

We head out Friday night to see a Cirque show, KA. It was fantastic. We walked the rest of the strip. We went to the Coke store (because Coke is one of Mindi's true loves). We meandered in and out of hotels. We lost a few dollars at the Casino. We thought about going dancing but somehow ended up in our pjs instead. Friday night out on the town was much different. The 350,000 young buckaroos were at there party. It was still crazy. It was still interesting. But it was tolerable. It was what we expected. 

Vegas hasn't made our list of favorite cities. But we are willing to entertain the thought of giving it one more chance. Mindi thinks it could be fun. We will just check the EDC calendar first. 

If you are reading this, please say a prayer for my dear friend and her family. They could use all the prayers they can get right now. 

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