Thursday, June 19, 2014


Zion National Park has always been on the list of places to visit. Mindi will tell you otherwise. She was a tad cranky about this visit. Zion National Park has been her favorite so far. :) She said she had her fill of national parks. It could be that she's jealous she doesn't have a national park passport to stamp.  :)

It's beautiful. Hiking will take you to waterfalls and streams and pools of water filled with tadpoles. The drive in is great as well. You go through two tunnels to emerge surrounded by beautiful mountains. The hike was great and the ice cream cone on the lawn in front of the lodge was well earned. 

So there's this other canyon. It's in Utah and doesn't have grand in it's title. Because of this I feel it doesn't get the credit it deserves. Bryce Canyon is majestic. We arrived in the evening and did the scenic drive and watched the sun set. We rose at dawn to see it rise and then hike. It is a must visit kind of place. The hoodoos are incredible. We can't decide what they look like. Maybe icesicles. Or the Emerald City. A castle perhaps. Whatever you see, it is breathtaking.  I secretly think Bryce is grander than the grandest. 

This is what happens when the sun rises. 

Both parks are full of critters as well. Chipmunks scamper across your path. Deer graze in the fields. Prairie dogs romp and play. They are the cutest, by the way. This guy and his buddies didn't mind us stopping for a photo op. 

We camped again. It was cold. Our hot dog and s'mores dinner was completed by hot chocolate. 

We met a lovely couple from Lexington while watching the sun rise. We also learned that we can take a shower in less than 8 minutes. But we will enjoy an 8 minute shower because we paid $2 for it. 

Utah, you have taken the lead for favorite state. You have oohs and ahhs around every turn. A return visit will most definitely happen. 

We will leave you with this piece of sound advice, should you ever need to know. 

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