Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Pelted with Small Stones

There are not proper words to describe the fierceness that is the wind. It's knock you down, can't walk upright, borderline dangerous wind. It picks up small rocks and hits you with them. It causes dust storms. Tumbleweeds are flying. It dries you out. We will try for the tent in a non-windy state. 

Today we visited the Petrified National Forest which includes the Painted Desert.  Incredible. Beautiful. Dinosaurs were roaming about when these trees were alive. Today they are fossilized which makes them appear glass like. Imagine quartz on a grand scale. 

It is also home to hundreds of Navajo petroglyphs and a village. It is amazing to me these things are still around for us to experience. 

We did some hiking here. There were a few times we thought we were goners. Picked up and carried off like Dorothy and Toto. If we weren't bracing to stay on the ground, we were bracing to take the impact of the pebbles that were pelting us. An all around enjoyable experience. 

The Eagles led us to Winslow, Arizona next. This song put a tiny town on the map. There's not much more than a corner with a flatbed Ford! 

Did you know that 50,000 years ago a meteor hit what is now Arizona and left a crater that is nearly a mile across and 550 feet deep? A 60 story building wouldn't reach the top rim. 20 football fields would fit on the crater floor. If we would have let go of the railing we would be on that floor. (No joke on the wind!)

We have driven over 2,000 miles and haven't been gone a week. The wheels of the car have been in 9 states: Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. 

The car workout is still going strong. BeyoncĂ© and Lady Gaga have great workout beats. We have mastered the car crunch. The weights are still being lifted. 

There is also a new form of entertainment. As a teacher, one of my favorite things to do is read aloud. I love the giggles, the gasps, the tears, the anticipation of what will happen next. I've downloaded a book and I'm reading it out loud. :)  I'm like a real life audio book. We will see if Mindi loves being read to as much as my students do. 

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