Saturday, June 28, 2014

Beauty Abounds

In Australia there is a stretch of highway referred to as 'The Great Ocean Road'.  It's a spectacular drive. A new cliff or rock formation around every corner. You don't have to get to Australia to see such beauty, though. You can put yourself on the California Highway 1. This is truly one of America's scenic byways. With mountains on one side and ocean on the other you won't be disappointed. And if your lucky, you'll see a baby mountain lion scampering along the side of the road. :)

We found these guys along the way. Take the seals from La Jolla beach and plump them up a lot! Elephant seals are huge but just as fun to watch. There's a lot of blubber on this beach! Holla at those seals :)

As we were driving north, a west coast friend was sending a list of things to do. As we are reading the list we look up and see the exit for one of his suggestions. A quick right turn and ten minutes later we are relaxing in a natural mineral hot spring. Thanks for the suggestion, Joe! We smelled like a lovely mix of sulfur and other minerals for the rest of the day! (We were so enjoying our time in the natural hot tub that we forgot to take a picture) 

Our drive north took us to Monterey. Welcomed by barking sea lions, we quickly realized why this place is loved by so many. Thanks to Kristin and suggestions from Dakota, we had a full day planned. Our walk around Fisherman's Wharf had a soundtrack of barking sea lions and squawking sea birds. Both entertaining to watch. And don't worry, the seals were basking in the sun here as well! 

Kristin said eat at The Fish Hopper. Dakota said eat at The Fisherman's Grotto. Turns out they are owned by the same people and famous for their clam chowder. A free appetizer card led us to The Fish Hopper. Delicious and a great view! Mindi decided to be brave. She ordered the chowder and ate it!! For those of you that don't know her well, this is a big deal! She did not eat the calamari we got for free, however. We ended lunch at Rosine's for a slice of giant cheesecake. Amazing!!

17 Mile Drive was next on the agenda. It was fabulous despite the cloud of fog that was sitting right over it. Many scenic stops along the way, wildlife to view, and golf courses to explore. 

Kristin sent us to Sand City next. Our job was to climb to the top of a particular sand dune and write something in seaweed. It took a few turn arounds and a short walk, but we found it. We climbed and left our mark! When you head north on CA 1, you can now see a M on the dune as you drive by!

This last stop was for you, Kristin!! Maybe we'll have to see if they have any speech, teaching, or library positions open! 

Monterey and Carmel, you are top notch. Classy with lots to offer. There was so much we wanted to do but didn't have time. That only means we will have to return. We will see you again!

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