Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Just Eatin' Some Chips

Wyoming (or Wyomee if your Mindi) was full of fun and adventures!! It's pretty, too. 

First up was Yellowstone National Park. We had no idea what a fabulously interesting place this was! We knew about Old Faithful. But did you know that the park is home to the largest collection of geysers and hot springs on earth? They are the most interesting things. They make mud gurgle. They create sapphire water and orange residue. They spout water and steam. They are boiling. They smell. Old Faithful was neat to see but the real deal is the Grand Fountain Geyser. It only erupts every six hours and we showed up just in time. The boardwalk takes you right through its path. Click on the link to journey with us! (Videos are a new blog feature!)

Spend five minutes in the park and you find yourself humming 'Home on the Range.'  It really is a place where the buffalo roam and the deer and antelope play. It's a toss up as to whether we say buffalo or bison. We decided to go with bibuff. They are everywhere!!!!! Careful when your driving...they roam the roads. Bibuff in the field. Bibuff on the road. Herds of bibuff. Loner bibuff. Literally everywhere. They are gigantic. (I realize there are buffalo in Midway and I drive past them often. I will tell you these were way better.)

We desperately wanted to see a bear. (From the car, of course.) We preferred a grizzly but would have been happy with any bear. So we went on a bear hunt. Yellowstone is huge. Our bear hunt took us all over the park. We were about to give up. We had to leave. Sad faces were present. Then we came upon a traffic jam. Traffic jams mean only one thing. Wildlife has been spotted. Could it be a bear?! We so hoped we got to the place before it left. We then see the passengers in the cars ahead of us piling out with their cameras. A car coming the opposite direction confirms...a mama black bear and her two cubs!! Mindi orders me out of the car with these instructions. "Get good pictures so if they leave I can still see it. And if she starts charging get in the closest car you can find." Naturally I hop out and take off. Oh man! So cute :) She didn't mind the entourage watching. The cubs aren't really all that visible in the pictures. There are better ones on the real camera. Check seeing a bear off the list. Double check for the cubs. 

Yellowstone is also a beautiful place. Fields of wildflowers, lakes, streams, canyons. Two thumbs up, Yellowstone. You were a real treat. 

We ventured into Grand Teton National Park. We have seen a lot of mountains on this trip. These win. They were incredible. We did not have nearly enough time here. I definitely see a return trip. I'm thinking winter. Sitting in the lodge watching the snow fall while sipping hot cocoa and staring at those mountains sounds like a happy place to be. We actually sipped hot cocoa on this chilly morning. We sat on the deck. We were just missing the snowfall. It was a happy place. 

Next stop, Cody...aka cowboy capital of the world.  Home of the Cody Nite Rodeo. Obviously we had our tickets and were ready. Minutes after arriving we hear, "Hey girls, wanna sit on a bull?" Of course we want to sit on a bull!! $10 later and we are up top of 1,800 pounds of pure buckin' bull. Mongo he was called. Big guy. Money well spent :) The cowboys were great. They put on a show that was both athletic and pleasing to the eye. If you don't hear from us again we've returned to Cody and are working the rodeo scene. Just send us our boots. 

Cody is also home to Buffalo Bill and the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Five museums in one building. It was actually a great museum. We are now William F. Cody, aka Buffalo Bill, experts. 

Travel on down the road and you'll find a giant monolith towering above you. Devil's Tower. Nothing around it for miles. Here's the legend of how it came to be. 

On your way to Devil's Tower you might see these guys. They are serious about those horns. 

You might also see a prairie dog town. I'm still in love with these tiny critters!! Could spend hours watching them play. Both sides of the road were full of them. Totes Adorb!

We met this really cool guy at some scenic overlook on the side of the road. Barry. He sold all his things and is traveling around via bike and RV. His bus is called 'The BUSket List'. We like that. 

In Worland you might encounter a police officer. No worries if he pulls you over going 48 in a 30 zone, just be honest. "Yes, officer, I knew the speed limit was 30. No, I wasn't daydreaming. We were just talkin' and eatin' some chips." He will simply have you smack yourself on the wrist and tell you to slow down. 

As we near the state line we stop to get gas. Mindi says she is going in to buy a Pepsi. The conversation goes like this. 
Her: I'm going in to get a Pepsi. 
Me: I didn't think you liked Pepsi. 
Her: I don't. But I've seen all these signs that it's bottled in Wyomee. 
Me: You know they bottle that stuff in Corbin, don't you. 
Her: I know. But they are so proud of it here and I want to support them. 

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