Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Last Post

7.5 weeks.  12,274.5 miles. 31 states driven through.  21 states explored. Too many adventures and memories to count. This has been a summer for the books. One we will always remember and talk about. 

For those of you wondering why this space does not hold a picture of the odometer showing 12,274.5 miles it's because it resets to zero at 6,000. This was the most devastating discovery.

This is the last post in Snapshot of America. This adventure has come to an end. Thanks to all our followers. All the likes, comments, phone calls, and texts along the way. Thanks for the prayers for safe travels. We hope you enjoyed traveling with us!! And if you're ever in the market for a Chevy Impala, talk to us. We can give you an extensive review. 

We thought this last blog could be a reflection of sorts. Here are our final thoughts. 

From Mindy with a y:

I've tried to think of words to describe this trip. I'm having a hard time. We have seen so much. We have done so much. We have laughed, cried, made new friends, and tested ourselves. I can tell you that God's fingerprints are all over this country. There are some majestic sights in America. I encourage you to take a different vacation the next time you decide to get away. Go somewhere new. Explore this glorious country you live in. 

Everyone has called this the trip of a lifetime. That sounds so final to me. Like there can only be one great trip in a lifetime. Alaska was a trip of a lifetime. The trips to Europe were trips of a lifetime. Australia? Trip of a lifetime. You see, there are lots of trips. Lots of life to live. This trip...I don't want it to be 'the' trip of a lifetime. I want it to fuel even more trips during my lifetime. 

Mindi, your 'mid-life crisis in your thirties' brought an incredible adventure. I can't wait to see what your mid-life crisis in your mid-life brings! Count me in whatever it is!!

As I've traveled around I've found many jobs I would like to have when I grow up. In no particular order they are; park ranger, own a bed and breakfast, operate the Storyland ride at Disneyland, own a campground, rent kayaks at a lake. Until then, I will work at Simmons Elementary. 

From Mindi with an i:

I joke that I have had a mid-life crisis and this was the reason for the road trip. Obviously, Mindy thinks so :). I guess it's true to some extent. To be honest, I'm pretty happy with my life. I have Jesus, a supportive family, and fabulous friends. Not many people can say that their family said "go for it" when I said I'm quitting my job and going to travel. Plus, who has a friend like Mindy Logan who agrees to take her whole summer to travel the road with me! Especially when she is going to be the new librarian! Who needs more than this? 

The trip came to be because I came to a point in my life where I was not happy with my job/career. Think about it. A person spends most of their waking hours working at their job. And if you're not happy, it becomes pretty miserable. So I decided to change that and said "WHY NOT!" So here I am pretty much two months later giving my reflection.

So you wonder if I have figured out my life or had an epiphany. Well, I have a few ideas! Rootbeer, biscuits, boutique, and even speech-language therapy come to mind. It's ever changing! But I feel everyone's evolving, trying to figure themselves out on different levels. Not because of being unhappy, but for the yearning of passion for something. Whatever that may be. This makes me think of a young man I saw at the zoo. I'm assuming he has autism, just by observing some unique characteristics. He continuously walked back and forth on a pathway picking up leaves and throwing them up in the air. He just smiled and laughed. He was happy. It was simple. 

This trip made my life simple. This trip made me even happier! So thank you for joining us on one of life's adventures.

We will leave you with this last thought. :)

Until the next adventure...

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